Owner : Namely Ayumi Azizan . Yumi fer short . She becomes 18 years old on 29 march 2012 . Currently staying at Gombak , Selangor . She loves to laugh . She is shy , but she is great fun once you get to know her . p/s ; Welcome to my official blog , it's a part of my life :)

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm already open up my eyes

Hello readers , i'm sorry i didn't update my blog for three weeks . i've no idea to update about what , no mood and kinda lazy . but today i've change my mind , i'm already back to normal . yang lepas biarkan lepas , right ? now i'm officially single and no one else is suppressed my life and i felt free :') i suppose i should starting a new life , fighting for my spm ! yess ayumi you go girl :') okayy dh dh enough . Jom kita story pasal life aku pulak , Hehe . sekarang life aku better plus better lah kannn , aku rasa tenang and happy . semua pun cukup , aku sepatutnya dengar cakap mama dari awal lagi . yes apa yang berlaku semuanya betul cakap mama . so lepas ney yumi akan dengar cakap mama , i'll promise :) macam biasa lah tahun ney will be last aku BERsekolah so agak sibuk dengan aktiviti sch . orang cuti kita tak , biasa laa tuh kan :) penat memang penat . nvm asal kan aku seronok . so korang , what's up ? meh kita story-2 k at facebook + skype . Jangan segan silu menegur saya okayy ^^ , mwahx!

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