Owner : Namely Ayumi Azizan . Yumi fer short . She becomes 18 years old on 29 march 2012 . Currently staying at Gombak , Selangor . She loves to laugh . She is shy , but she is great fun once you get to know her . p/s ; Welcome to my official blog , it's a part of my life :)

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Tatatradadaada~ me singing HAHA

Jyeahh that's title doesn't mean anything lolx ^^ ! Haha kenapa aku senang hati hari ney , ada apa-apa keh ? Hahaha ngek! Dua kali post Woahhh T_T' Alright then let's ngomong . Today i'm doing homework , helping mama , tidur and preparing sch goods . Best dah dapat relax kat rumah as before thank god :) Nahh ada something orang complain aku punya blog ney , confirm korang pun sama ! Haha ney pasal aku punya tulisan kecil sangat Heeeee dah banyak kali aku dengar TAPI sorry korang , aku suka macam cantik HAHAHA :D nak cantik aje tapi tak boleh baca , bukan masalah aku Daaa~ gedik ayumi :) Later lah tukar sebab 'M" aku tengah besar sekarang ney . Maksudnyaa MALAS! Haha thank you Byebye!

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